Saturday, November 19, 2005

Scanned Copy oF Magazine - FRONTLINE - Dated - 08/April/2005 - Page 37.

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That V.D.

Savarkar Was

Involved In the

to Kill

Gandhi - And -

That He

Got Away !


At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "hindu"-ism is one of the biggest evil perputuated in this world. The evil that it has spread in the name of caste-ism and brahmin surpremacy (I tend to call them "bhatugadi" in my native language,which is a perjorative term for those beggars who want to rule the world by spreading lies and deceits). Having born the brunt of this "brahmin supremacy", throughout the school days, I am well aware of the nature of this sick caste Their agenda is the destruction of the will-power and determination of the young children of non-brahmin communities,(and hence low castes in their opinions), from achieving education and up-lifting themselves. I have seen this happen again and again during my interaction with any of these brahmins. In spite of being on the top of the class, throughout middle schools and universities, I have run into all sort of discouragements and "surprises shown" when the brahmin caste students and teachers found out that I am not a brahmin and still way ahead of the next best student in school or university. Instead of encouraging the students, to do better or praise him/her, these people would make comments such as "oh,, I did not expect you to do so well.. ",something similar to what a racist red-neck would have said to a black child doing well, in the school in USA, before, it became politically incorrect not to say such things. The basic tenets of hinduism are basically a mental yoke for the subjugation of the majority of people in India.

The best way to bring Indiain 21st century, is to relegate the hindu-ism to the same level as the ancient religions of Egypt and Greeks. The outlook of the "hindu" religion deserves to be relegated to the ancient history. Ideally I would like to see hindu-ism not to even exists as a religion,along the same lines one would like to see the end of racism in this world. The thesis that everything in the world is "created by god", does not mean every piece of stone needs to be "worshipped" and "bowed to". By the logic of the statement, "tat tvam asi (thou art that)", a brahmin should also bow to a "shudra", hell. I would say a brahmin should lick a "shudra or any lower caste"'s shoes since mostly they survive on the labor of these "lower castes".

India needs a Kamal Pasha, the way he reformed the fundamentalist muslims in Turkey, to get the Indian society to develop a more catholic or an universal world-view. It is like one of my teaches, who happened to be christian, and had commented, that it is more important to "understand the message of Gita" rather than bragging in front of everyone that they have memorized the whole book verse by verse. A tape recorder can do a better job!

My father used to say, after listening to some "hindu mythology", every time a brahmin wants has to feed himself, or get out of some crap he did, he invents a new myth. In a place like Bombay, when being a kid of 8-9 years old, sitting in a barber shop for a hair-cut, I have a seen a stupid brahmin, with all body parts intact, wearing clean clothes, and standing outside, asking for alms, and when told by the shop owner to leave in a not too polite way, said "shaap doonga (I will throw a curse on you)", to which fortunately the response of the shop-owner was to spit out the "paan" he was chewing in front of this "upper caste brahmin" who can "put a curse to destroy someone" but cannot work to put his own food on the table.

Even today with all the talk of India shining, the majority of people benefiting are these "upper caste" strata of the society.

Just imagine if Ambedkar and his followers, who constitute almost 40-45% of the so-called "hindu" population of India, elected to follow, a religion other than Buddhism, which is one of more rational religious framework, compared to some other more antagonistic religious framework, specially to hinduism. The "upper caste" hindus should be forever grateful to Dr. Ambedkar and his followers, to allow them to "maintain" their hinduism and their country intact. Even a great soul like Ambedkar was tricked into marrying a brahmin woman, who ultimately poisoned him, to make sure that he did not live long enough to build on his earlier work. Even after being a US citizen, and living from on other side of the world, it is amazing to find that if I ever run into someone from western parts of India, the first thing many of them want to know, is my last name, which is an indicator for them if you are a brahmin or not. Yes, everything in that country is judged on the the "which caste you belong to". Constrast this with the fact that a muslim from Indonesia or India, can sit along with a muslim from any other part of the world, and pray in a mosque,
with the common understanding that everyone is the same in front of the creator. Contrast this with the "hindu-ism", where 50% of the population of India (the so-called lower castes), cannot even a hindu temple according to the tenets of hinduism.

I was brought up in an traditional family, and had the fortune of having teachers who taught me to look critically at everything in life. One of the basic definitions of religions as given by that so-called "god's language - sanskrit", is "dhaaraanat dharmah!!" (yes, in spite of being a lower-cast I studied sanskrit and aced it in high-school!) It means "a religion is 'that' aka framework which sustains the society". Think of the society as an organism, which needs to grow, and sustain. Take a look at the so-called "hindu society" in India. About the only part of the hindu society, the "hindu" religion sustains are the brahmins. The hindu-ism as a framework, is useless for sustaining the society. About the only thing it has taught the so-called hindus is to live like sheeps. Perhaps this the reason this framework was perpetuated, so the majority of "lower cast hindus" can live a servile life, laboring, so that a few brahmins can live a prospoerous life.

It is amazing how the so-called hindu priests can do a flip when there is money involved. Look at the famous industrialist Ambanis. Here is a person who came from a very humble and "low-caste" level. When he died, he was given a "vedic rites" and the Ambani family even have a "brahmin guru" advising them now. This is the same brahmin priest(s) who would not allowed them to enter a temple, had they not been so rich. I think even hindu gods, look at your cheque book before allowing you to "touch the god's feet".

If you like sci-fi and see the show called StarGate, imagine the similarities between the "Goau'ld, the worms who enter the body of people whom they subjugate, the Jaffas, who do all the work. Brahmins and brahminism are like these fat worms who have entered the bloodstream of the Indian society.

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whine whine whine!!

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ramble too much. Try doing something more useful

At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody says india is developing in the all sector, But in my point of view india would be top of the developed countries list, if we(non-brahmin)were at top possition, Since after we got freedom most of the top possition in all the sectors occuoied by only brahmins who eventhough don't have knowledge to deserve that possisions.If we take Japan, even though they have got into destruction(Nuclear Bomb), Now they challenging USA, even if they don't have enough resource. Because their education accessible to all not like in india in which certain people have the rights to have education. Main reason to being india back is education & our fundamental rights are denied in the name of caste. We must eradicate the caste-ism then only people live in India with peace and all basic needs.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger s.barde said...

I am not a Brahmin either nor do I like them. My father was removed from school, my both grandfathers were also removed from school, my grandmothers were also shunned away from learning because of brahmins being of Vaishya, Hindu.

I read the comments also I certainly don't like Ghandi.

Nor do I like the brahmins either and zillions of salutations to God that I am not one.
Not everyone of them are the same of course there are a few 10% margin who do care.
But Nathu Ram Godse did do us a favor,you see he falls in that 10%.

But that doesn't mean that I would compare them with Al quaida. Your going overboard.
May be both of them are equal and dammed to some extent.
Not better or worse.
Yes the brahmins seem to dominate always, they are racist. We lived overseas from 40 years they do castism in America, Canada, those fuckers I can name those assholes.
Simultaneously I live in the middle east now and these arabs did this wicked trap on me. They are rapists too.
One indian muslim and an egyptian ordered an arab to follow and harass for 8 years now.

I can name them too.

I like your attitude I can speak against any Brahmin I have insulted many before too when they deserved it.
Those damn media full of brahmins, movie news I avoid their films too etc.
Nor do I care for those cricketers like you do.

There are muslims who have made attempts on my life by using hindus.
I have seen also brahmins utilize muslims to harass me vice versa muslims use brahmins too to harass me.

Like I say they are both dammed doesn't mean I would vote for congress over the BJP.
Some 10% of the Quality is in them too. I hope. I Pray.
Congress is itself the Kashmiri Brahmin Muslim clan.

So we have no choice but BJP. At least they don't have bastards in their Party.
Do reply, But I like your attitude, to speak up.


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